Friday, December 5, 2008

Visiting grandma Luda

This is a picture of us by the boys' orphanage.

Yesterday we set out with the boys to visit their grandma. We drove in a taxi all the way to the other side of Kiev called Obolon. We stopped by a local market and bought red carnations and whole bunch of fruits for the grandma. She lives in a tall building on the 4th floor. She lays in her bed in a very small room and she can not walk. She hugged all of us as we came in.

When we set down, she was emotional and told us how happy she was that the boys will have a family now. She told us everything from the begining of her life, about her only daughter (boy's bio mom), and how she took care of the boys when they were little and then how they ended up at the orphanage. It was very interesting to hear all this information. She is a very smart and intelegent lady, who has compeleted her masters degree with high honors from Moscow University. She also told us about the boys' extended family and that they were all very educated people. She was happy to tell us the whole story and we found out some very interesting information. She also showed us pictures of when she was little and of the boys' mom and also when the boys were little...(they were SO CUTE!!) We spend probably around 2 hours with her and then we left. She asked us to come by one more time to say goodbye before we go home with the boys. I wanted to take pictures of the boys and their grandma, but she was really against that and said that she wants the boys to remember her when she was younger and not ill. So she gave them pictures of her, when she was younger.
Yesterday, our attorney gathered all paperwork and got all official signitures that were required and has turned in everything to SDA! Thank God! We are now waiting for an approval from them, which we will probably get next Thursday and then have court sometimes after that. So we will have some days next week, just to hang out, so we are thinking of things to do and places to go while we wait...


Karen J said...

Oh, that is a precious trip to see Grandma!! I hope you got that all on tape. And got copies of all the pictures she has. That is a resource most adoptive parents don't have.

Stephanee&Zach said...

What an amazing blessing that you got to meet her and have such a special time. If you didn't already, take pictures with your camera of all the pictures that she has of the boys so that you will have them.

Heidi and Felix said...

It was great to meet you at church today! I'll give you a call to get together after we get settled at home with the kids. We pick them up for good tomorrow!